Reviews | Songlines


Review of Saath Saath

Saath Saath

Purbayan Chatterjee & Rakesh Chaurasia


Rating: ★★★★

It is barely nine months since Chatterjee earned a three-page feature in Songlines (December 2021, #173) for his splendid album...

Reviewed by Nigel Williamson in issue: November/2022

Review of The New Faith

The New Faith

Jake Blount

Top of the World

Smithsonian Folkways Recordings

Rating: ★★★★★

Following his impressive 2020 debut album, Spider Tales (reviewed in October 2020, #161), The New Faith fulfils the promise of...

Reviewed by Doug Deloach in issue: November/2022

Review of Long Time to Be Gone

Long Time to Be Gone

Nora Brown

Jalopy Records

Rating: ★★★★

Listening to ‘Jenny Put the Kettle On’, the opening track on Nora Brown’s third full-length album, Long Time to Be...

Reviewed by Doug Deloach in issue: November/2022

Review of Sequana


Souad Massi

Top of the World

Backingtrack Productions/Wrasse Records

Rating: ★★★★★

Since winning best newcomer at the inaugural BBC Radio 3 World Music awards 20 years ago, Massi’s career has followed...

Reviewed by Nigel Williamson in issue: November/2022

Review of Posse of Fireflies

Posse of Fireflies

Supriya Nagarajan


Rating: ★★★

Yorkshire-based Karnatic singer Supriya Nagarajan recalls the India of her youth on this record, which highlights the wonder and mystery...

Reviewed by Liam Izod in issue: November/2022

Review of Tutku


Kalaha + Hilal Kaya with Aarhus Jazz Orchestra

April Records

Rating: ★★★

Danish quartet Kalaha first tackled a Turkish tune on their third album, 2019’s Mandala, which was also the first time...

Reviewed by Daniel Spicer in issue: November/2022

Review of Do You Know a Place Called Flekkeröy?

Do You Know a Place Called Flekkeröy?

Dawda Jobarteh


Rating: ★★★★

Scandinavia in recent years has provided a home for many fine African musicians and the Gambian-born Denmark-based kora player Dawda...

Reviewed by Nigel Williamson in issue: November/2022

Review of Rolling Golden Holy

Rolling Golden Holy

Bonny Light Horseman


Rating: ★★★

Rolling Golden Holy straddles the realms of acoustic roots, indie rock, jazz, folk, country and pop. Drawing upon that mash-up...

Reviewed by Doug Deloach in issue: November/2022

Review of Out of the Desert

Out of the Desert

Tasha Smith Godinez

Enanga Records

Rating: ★★★

The inherently transcendental sound of virtuoso Tasha Smith Godinez’s harp fits her stated purpose in this recording of celebrating her...

Reviewed by Jeff Kaliss in issue: October/2022

Review of L’Ombre de la Bête

L’Ombre de la Bête

François Robin & Mathias Delplanque

Top of the World

Parenthèses Records

Rating: ★★★★

François Robin has been exploring electro-acoustic sounds for nearly 15 years. While his is a multi-instrumentalist, his instrument of choice...

Reviewed by Buzz Bury in issue: October/2022

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