Three years after her masterpiece, Miziki, Ivorian singer Dobet Gnahoré has now taken up the challenge to produce another highly...
Reviewed by Pierre Cuny in issue: Aug/Sep/2021
The eighth album by British-Trinidadian Renaissance man Anthony Joseph takes its title from a line by legendary Trinidadian theorist CLR...
Reviewed by Jane Cornwell in issue: Aug/Sep/2021
Full disclosure: your reviewer fully anticipated not raving about this album. While appreciating Rising Appalachia’s raison dêtre, my ears have...
Reviewed by Doug Deloach in issue: Aug/Sep/2021
Since her debut as a leader in 1986, the Munich-born New Yorker has recorded a further 23 albums, of which...
Reviewed by Mark Sampson in issue: Aug/Sep/2021
The number of recording locations worldwide for this album is extraordinary, but perhaps that was the only way to create...
Reviewed by Neil van der Linden in issue: Aug/Sep/2021
The Eva Quartet are undoubtedly the finest current exponents of small group vocal music by Bulgarian composers and arrangers, rooted...
Reviewed by Kim Burton in issue: Aug/Sep/2021
Jamaican toasting legend Big Youth collaborates here with travelling French producers Brain Damage and Sam Clayton Jr in a heady...
Reviewed by Clyde Macfarlane in issue: Aug/Sep/2021
For this project, Alasdair Roberts was invited by fiddler Hans Kjorstad to Oslo to reinterpret songs from Roberts’ back catalogue...
Reviewed by Glenn Kimpton in issue: Aug/Sep/2021
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