August/September 2017 (#130)
Introducing the Aug/Sept 2017 (#130) issue of Songlines
Our cover star this issue is Alsarah, the Sudanese singer now based in New York City, who performs East African retro pop with her band, the Nubatones. Other features include an interview with the American record producer Ian Brennan about his various projects; roots reggae collective Inna de Yard; guitarist Justin Adams about the influences and inspiration behind his latest album, Ribbons; an examination of the world of radio; a Beginner’s Guide to Iranian kamancheh player Kayhan Kalhor; plus the latest CD, book, DVD and world cinema reviews.
The digital edition also includes streamed excerpts from our Top of the World CD including Bokanté, Tété Alhinho, Danyel Waro and Rubén González, as well as a guest playlist from the Southbank Centre’s artistic director, Jude Kelly, featuring Baaba Maal, Sam Lee and Emel Mathlouthi.