June 2017 (#128)
Introducing the June 2017 (#128) issue of Songlines
Our cover star this issue is folk singer and song collector Sam Lee, who talks about singing with nightingales, his Nordic project Vindauga and recording for the film King Arthur: Legend of the Sword.
Other features include coverage of the winners of the 2017 Songlines Music Awards; a round-up of all the best UK festivals; an interview with Canadian banjo player Jayme Stone; a Beginner’s Guide to Indian bansuri player Hariprasad Chaurasia; plus the latest CD, DVD, book and world cinema reviews.
The digital edition also includes streamed excerpts from our Top of the World CD including Oumou Sangaré, Sväng, Lisa Knapp and 75 Dollar Bill, as well as a guest playlist from the composer Max Richter, featuring Hailu Mergia, Spiro and Konono No 1.