October 2018 (#141)
Introducing the October 2018 (#141) issue, now on sale.
Our cover star this issue is Calypso Rose who features in the line-up of Windrush: A Celebration, curated by poet and musician Anthony Joseph who speaks to us about the legacy of the Windrush generation.
We also have a feature on the role rappers are playing in Mali’s current presidential elections; a Spotlight on RAM, the Haitian roots group; a report from Korea and a new festival that is hoping to bring peace to the north and south of the country; a Beginner’s Guide to American bluegrass experimentalists Punch Brothers; plus the latest CD, book, world cinema and live reviews.
The digital edition also includes streamed excerpts from our Top of the World CD including Danú, Moonlight Benjamin and Les Tambours de Brazza, as well as a guest playlist from BBC Radio 3 controller Alan Davey, featuring music by Sam Lee, Las Cafeteras, Sam Carter, Le Vent du Nord and others.