May 2018 (#137)
Introducing the May 2018 (#137) issue of Songlines
Our cover feature artists this issue are the Welsh harpist and Senegalese kora player, Catrin Finch and Seckou Keita, who return with SOAR, the long-awaited follow-up to their award-winning debut.
Other features include the nominations for the 2018 Songlines Music Awards; interviews with the Cypriot trio Monsieur Doumani; former Dead Can Dance singer Lisa Gerrard about her collaboration with The Mystery of the Bulgarian Voices choir; Introducing the Finnish a capella group, Tuuletar; a Beginner’s Guide to the French double bassist Renaud Garcia-Fons, plus the latest CD, book, world cinema and live reviews.
The digital edition also includes streamed excerpts from our Top of the World CD including Catrin Finch & Seckou Keita, Mélissa Laveaux, The Rheingans Sisters and Sidi Touré, as well as a guest playlist from the actor and theatre producer, Simon McBurney featuring music from Esma Redžepova, Spaccanapoli, Hamlet Gonashvili and others.