July 2021 (#169)
The July 2021 issue (#169) of Songlines is now on sale. This issue’s cover star is the multi-award-winning Mexican singer-songwriter Natalia Lafourcade, who talks about reconnecting with her son jarocho roots. Other features include interviews with trumpeter and composer Frank London, who discusses his Ghetto Songs project; a look at taonga pūoro, the sacred instruments of the Māori; author Robin Denselow revisits the classic book about folk-rock, The Electric Muse; a Beginner’s Guide to the influential folk veteran Martin Carthy; a My World interview with theatre director Tom Morris, plus all the latest news, online streamed concert reviews, CD and world cinema reviews.
This month's exclusive Top of the World album (available as a CD and download) includes Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino, Lakou Mizik & Joseph Ray, Yat-Kha and Kasai Allstars, plus an extra five bonus tracks featuring music by June Tabor, Maria Pomianowska Project, Khasi-Cymru Collective and others.