June 2019 (#148)
The June 2019 (#148) issue of Songlines is now on sale.
This issue’s cover artist is the Senegalese superstar Youssou N’Dour who’s in a reflective mood as he releases his latest album History. We reveal the five geographical category winners in the 2019 Songlines Music Awards and other features include an interview with Estonian musician Mari Kalkun; AKA Trio who release their debut album prior to their Songlines Encounters Festival concert; a round-up of all the best UK festivals; plus all the latest news, event listings and CD and world cinema reviews.
As well as streaming excerpts from the Top of the World album, digital edition subscribers can now download all 15 tracks which this issue includes Ye Vagabonds, AKA Trio, Kathryn Tickell & The Darkening and Minyo Crusaders, as well as a guest playlist from the broadcaster and podcaster, Matthew Bannister, featuring music by Show of Hands, Cara Dillon, The Young’uns and others.