March 2019 (#145)
The March 2019 (#145) issue of Songlines – our special 20th anniversary edition – is now on sale.
Our cover star is the Malian ngoni master Bassekou Kouyaté who has released a new album with his band, Ngoni ba; Bassekou is also included in our 20th anniversary feature looking at 20 great new artists who have emerged during Songlines’ lifetime. We also speak to Bex Burch about her trio, Vula Viel and her instrument of choice: the Ghanaian gyil (xylophone); we report from Cali and Medellín, two of Colombia’s musical hotspots; we profile Topic Records, the oldest independent record label in the world, celebrating their 80th anniversary, plus the latest CD, book, world cinema and live reviews.
The digital edition also includes streamed excerpts from our Top of the World CD including Bassekou Kouyaté, Lau and Vishtèn, as well as a guest playlist from the choreographer, Mark Morris, featuring music by Rokia Traoré, Alim and Fargana Qasimov, TM Krishna and others.