January/February 2018 (#134)
Introducing the January/February 2018 (#134) issue of Songlines
Our cover feature this issue is about Gnawa music from Morocco – from its spiritual healing roots to becoming a global festival phenomenon. Other features include our round-up of the Best Albums of 2017; an interview with Irish fiddle player, Martin Hayes and his new quartet; Italian pizzica pioneers Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino; a Beginner’s Guide to the Tunisian oud master Anouar Brahem; a Spotlight on Scotland’s Blazin’ Fiddles; Introducing TootArd from the Golan Heights, plus the latest CD, book, world cinema and live reviews.
The digital edition also includes streamed excerpts from our Top of the World CD including Ibeyi, Boubacar Traoré, Maya Youssef and Belem & The MeKanics, as well as a guest playlist from Peruvian restaurateur, chef, writer and DJ, Martin Morales, featuring music from Ojos de Brujo, Bonobo and others.
There’s also an exclusive bonus CD from Culture Ireland featuring a selection of emerging Irish artists who will be performing as part of Showcase Scotland at Celtic Connections 25th anniversary edition in January 2018.