July 2020 (#159)
The July issue (#159) of Songlines is now available. This issue’s cover star is the Egyptian-Australian oud maestro Joseph Tawadros, who talks about his recent album and orchestral collaborations. Other features include Coronavirus Comforts – recommendations from Songlines contributors and friends on what they’re listening to/reading/watching during lockdown; an interview with Balkan beats pioneer Shantel about his latest project; an overview of Naxos World’s Chinese folk music series; a Beginner’s Guide to the Canadian fiddler and step dancer April Verch, plus all the latest news, online streamed concert listings, CD and world cinema reviews. The Top of the World album this issue includes DakhaBrakha, Melingo, Trio Tekke and Kadialy Kouyate, plus an exclusive playlist by classical violinist Daniel Hope, featuring music by Ravi Shankar, Zakir Hussain, Lúnasa and others.