October 2017 (#131)
Introducing the October 2017 (#131) issue of Songlines
Our cover star this issue is Mulatu Astatke, the man instrumental in creating and popularising Ethio-jazz. Other features include an interview with the Cuban pianist Omar Sosa and Senegalese kora player Seckou Keita about their latest collaboration, Transparent Water; Polish family band Kapela Maliszów who return with a new album; an examination of the most musical of Hindu gods, Krishna; South Korean group Black String and Kathryn Tickell talk about their forthcoming concert; plus the latest CD, book, world cinema and live reviews.
The digital edition also includes streamed excerpts from our Top of the World CD including Rio Mira, Mary Ann Kennedy, Offa Rex and Rafiki Jazz, as well as a guest playlist from singer-songwriter and former French First Lady, Carla Bruni, featuring Rachid Taha and Buena Vista Social Club. Plus there will be excerpts from the issue’s bonus CD of Czech music, At the Heart of the Bonfire.