December 2017 (#133)
Introducing the December 2017 (#133) issue of Songlines
Our cover star this issue is Hugh Masekela, the legendary South African horn player. Other features include an interview with the Dublin-based four-piece Lankum about their modern take on Irish trad music; Belgians Didier Laloy and Kathy Adam talk about their outlandish new orchestral project, Belem & the MeKanics; qanun player Maya Youssef who releases her debut album, Syrian Dreams; Tools of the Trade on the bamboo mouth organ from Thailand, the khaen, plus the latest CD, book, world cinema and live reviews.
The digital edition also includes streamed excerpts from our Top of the World CD including Robert Plant, Saz’iso, Lankum and Hugh Masekela, as well as a guest playlist from composer and conductor, Carl Davis, featuring music from Paul Robeson, Compay Segundo and others.